Guest posting means getting your content published on another blog. It is an excellent way to get yourself established and recognized. Guest posting not only makes your branding much easier, it also accelerates the reader traffic towards your blog. In short, guest posting is one tricky way to let people know who you are. You can also earn a decent side income through guest posting because most of the established bloggers out there do give paid guest posting opportunities. Doesn’t that sound fun? I mean, getting paid for your own benefits? Interesting? Right!

Beginners must consider gaining this opportunity in their respective niches. I’ll help you reach this ‘golden bonus’. I’ll tell you how I landed my guest post within the first week of my blogging and what benefit it brought to my blog? Just to give you those inspirational goosebumps 😉

Let’s go!

August 4, 2019 was a very special and memorable day for me because I got my first ever guest post published on a decent blog. It just happened out of the blue. It was an achievement because I landed my guest post within the first week of my blogging adventure. It was undoubtedly an encouraging and motivating success for me.

Now what did I do that made me land a guest post? Whoa! I did nothing that is out of your reach. You are someone much ahead of me. First of all, you need to get the true desire for anything you want to achieve. I read so many blogs that said guest posting is an effective way to earn income and increase traffic to your blog. So I was so curious and eager to do that myself.

I searched the internet for blogs that would give me a chance. I wasn’t interested in earning money through this. All I wanted to do was to gain the much important benefits of guest posting i.e increase traffic, engage readers etc. I found none. In excitement, I dropped a tweet on my twitter handle to let people know I was eager to avail any chance. I got zero response. At the same day, when I was scrolling my twitter timeline, I found a tweet. It said that a blog was open for guest posting till september. I just dropped the blogger a message in her inbox. I asked her the requirements and everything else I had to do to get my guest post published on her blog. Luckily, she had no requirements. She said everything creative was up to me and that’s where I knew, I could hit a pitch well. I planned to email her the pitch soon. So I wrote down ideas and topics I had for the guest pitch.

Soon I realized, I had to take a look at the blog I was about to guest post. I went through her blog, observed and analyzed how she writes, what she writes about mostly and which posts on her blog had readers engaged more than others? After this analysis, I just thought of writing something that will engage readers, something that could benefit the readers. So I wrote down the 5 pro blogger hacks every blogger needs to know before and during blogging. These are the hacks I personally observed before I started blogging and undoubtedly, considering these hacks made my life much easier. I emailed her the pitch and it got published, it engaged readers, I received appreciating comments and I got some subscribers plus followers due to that guest post. As a beginner, nobody knew me much and my blog but after getting my guest post published, I had stepped into the bloggers world confidently where people knew a little about me, at least!

That’s how I landed my guest post. Is that so difficult? It isn’t, right? So just do some research, follow what I did and I’m pretty sure you’ll land your guest post soon.

I won’t end here, because I have two short & quick tricks for you to get your guest post approved.

Trick # 1  KISS! That stands for ‘Keep it short & simple’. If you want to land your guest post successfully, follow this! Don’t annoy the readers, don’t let them skip your post in the middle of giving it a read. Keep in mind, you’re in someone’s house where you have to serve well. Now probably, you’ll be careful because you have to maintain the credibility of the house owner and yourself too. Think of your guest post like this. You have the responsibility of not distracting the readers from that particular blog on which you have to guest post and most importantly, your guest post will brandify your blog only if you let it. So keep your post short and simple to engage.

Trick # 2 DRY! This goes for ‘Don’t repeat yourself’. So don’t write something you aren’t much knowledgeable yet because you won’t write well and you’ll keep on repeating only the basic know-how’s. Disclose something important, something new in each of your line so that your readers don’t divert and give your post a thorough read with well-maintained interest.

A successful guest post is the one that redirects the reader to your own blog because that means, you’ve made your impression wonderful.

That’s all for guest posting. If you’re interested in guest posting on my blog, I warmly welcome you. Hit the subscribe button first and then drop me a message at the contact form in the side-bar to let me know.

If you want to read my guest post, do read because it is about the 5 pro blogger hacks. You can read my guest post by clicking HERE!

Don’t forget to drop a comment to let me know your perspective on this whole thing.



  1. Great tips - thanks for sharing!

  2. That sounds so exciting. I had around 10 guest posts but not one of them brought me a readers or traffic. But thank you for the tips, I will definitely try this thing again and I hope this time is going to be better. 💗

  3. great tips thanking for sharing

  4. such a nice information thanks for sharing this

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